JANUARY: The Law of Attraction or The Law of Perception?

The Law of Attraction


The Law of Perception?


“The Holy Spirit will direct you only so as to avoid pain.  Surely no one would object to this goal if he recognized it.  The problem is not whether what the Holy Spirit says is true, but whether you want to listen to what He says.” (ACIM T-7, X 3:1)

Hello dear friends,

I wish you a very joyous New Year!  As we welcome in 2022, I am happy to join with you once again in the silence of reflection.  For those of you who have read Thank God I’m Crazy you know that for decades of my life the number 22 became a helpful recuring sign, along with others.  It has been one of Spirit’s tools to alert my subconscious to lessons from a divine power that drastically changed my perception of who I am, and what the world is for. The Holy Spirit can use the symbols of the world to get our attention and to guide us to perceive the truth as all the world can be a symbol.

I am so grateful for all guidance that teaches me to trust as I make choices which continually change my perception for my highest good.  However, some new thought philosophy has taken on a way to perceive life through what is called the law of attraction.

Yeah, for our power of choice!  But like a kid with a toy, we are learning how to use it.  The principle of perception equals projection means that however we choose to see something—so then will it be projected into our experience.   The law of attraction states that positive energy attracts positive things into your life, and by choosing and setting positive intentions it will govern your thinking and actions, and you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine . . . health, happiness, love, abundance, etc. Perseverance and a belief in oneself are key.

The law of attraction is based on what WE think we need and want, but do we really know what we need?  Just as a little child begs all year long for something it wants for Christmas, and then after the box is opened and joy is expressed the child has lost interest in the gift and is playing with the box—and now wants something else. When we use our power of choice by setting intentions, it is most often based on only what we know and what we can see such as material and egoic wants. Even Hitler manifested his intentions.  Serial killers manifest their intentions.

We chase so many things, so many dreams, and so many “out there’s” in the course of our lives. We spend so much time and so much energy to find better ways to be, better things to do and better beliefs to believe. Time goes by and we seem to gain some ground and feel good about our progress—right up until we get stumped again.

When we can drop the personal and embrace the bigger picture, we see that what we are actually looking for is our True Self. Beyond the experiences, beyond the thoughts, the beliefs and the trophies, there is an eternal You that is ever present and ever abundant. Until that One is found, everything else is subject to falter.

“Now I could view with insight both the frailties of this world and the reality of this world.  Through the path of unconditional forgiveness, I no longer tried to change the world.  Instead, I was changing my mind about the world.” (TGIC)

To ask Spirit to guide us IS setting an intention.  It is asking God to be the pilot—not the co-pilot.  Let him fly the plane.  The will of God is for his Son to be in perfect joy and happiness.  If we knew how, we would already have done it! 

“When you look within and see me, it is because you have decided to manifest the truth.  And as you manifest it you will see it both without and within.  You will see it without because you saw it first within . . .If it is your judgment it will be wrong for judgment is not your function.  If it is the judgment of the Holy Spirit it will be right, for judgment is His function . . . You will judge against yourself, but He will judge for you.” (ACIM T-12 VII.12:1)

Our power in this dream is choice—but we are abdicating our only power when we make choices on our own.  God can only do for us what he can do through us.  When we make choices inspired by the Holy Spirit’s voice, we are attracting the law of love.  It is through practice and experience that we are guided to release all that we are not (the wrong-minded thoughts of the ego) to find love, because only love is real.

I laughed when I read in the Course where it says that we have imprisoned ourself by trying to live our lives through our own making—when all the while Jesus is outside the prison door inviting us to come out—and we keep trying to drag him in. 😊

Both the Bible and the Course tell us to Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else shall be added unto you. The Course says that all things are lessons God would have us learn. God has the keys to the kingdom, and with it comes joy and happiness and peace.  Why would we want to get in the way?

All the while, we don’t have to be a victim of life.  As we practice seeing life more like a universal university, we can be normal, have fun . . . with one difference.  We are training our mind through forgiving the illusion of the ego’s world as we uncover our true Self, and come to see the real world of only love.  At the same time—we are attracting more love.  How good is that!

Liza Minnelli said, “Reality is something you rise above.” 😊

So, until next time,

When you find yourself staring into the headlights of fear, I hope you can stop . . .  allow yourself to laugh at your temporary insanity . . .  and say, as I often do, THANK GOD I’M CRAZY! 😊


Thank God I’m Crazy available in paperback and e-book on:


Barnes and Noble


Thank God I’m Crazy includes pictures of places which took place in Grace’s life, as seen in her visions. Grace Avalon, teacher and intuitive counselor, has taught A Course in Miracles for nine years. She gives presentations, seminars and workshops for anyone whose known abuse, thought they were crazy, or wants to live a joyful life.

*** Gary Renard, (International bestselling author of Disappearance of the Universe, and international speaker) says, “Grace Avalon’s courage to share her secret visions that led her out of deep abuse to heal through forgiveness brings a whole new level of understanding to the principles of love found in A Corse in Miracles.”

*** Marianne Williamson, (NY Times bestselling author, teacher, and internationally renowned speaker) , has said, “Grace Avalon inspires all of us to trust the wisdom of our hearts.  Here is spirituality in practice.

Grace Avalon


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