MARCH: The Game of Life… Is It Okay To Drop The Ball?




Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle.  And all the circle fills with light before your eyes . . .The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining . . . Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity.”  ACIM Ch. 21, S1-8

Hello dear friends,

As we meet once again in our shared silence, I imagine that like me, as we witness daily the pageantry of war on our living-room screens and loved ones have been lost in the pandemic, that thoughts of death cannot be avoided.  In compassion, we long to help, and to stop the senseless perpetration of madness.  This brings us to the doorway that asks in the name of sanity—what is this game of life all about?

A Course in Miracles tells us that peace is the ego’s greatest enemy, and without opposition the ego cannot exist.  The ego maintains controversy with the illusion of guilt, and its big payoff in this insane dream is death.  Yet, the good news is that the ego’s dream is not real, and there is no death.  When the body seems to die, what is left standing is our real Self. (More in April)

This month, I had an intimate experience with death as my dearest friend whom I’ve shared a sisterhood with for two decades, suddenly lost her very vibrant husband.  Among many esteemed accomplishments, he was a talented baseball player and an avid fan of the game.  As I ask myself why is it so painful when we lose a loved one, The Course explains that each time a loved one appears to leave, that the real pain is the seeming loss of one who is part of me. We are re-living the pain of that first mistaken thought when we imagined that we separated from God.  Our only task in this game called life is to drop the ego’s illusory ball of guilt, and to remember that we are not separate.  We will meet again that one who has never left.  We are now and forever joined in the perfect continuity of our innocence.

“The dream of life is a state of being in our mind where we are learning something so overwhelming about our beingness that, like Einstein said, we need time to figure it out.  This dream of life is not happening to me, it’s happening for me!  Our awakening humanity is approaching the doorway to the eternal divine.” 


I’d like to share with you some thoughts that came to me in the form of a poem just prior to my friend’s celebration.  I hope it helps for you, as it did for me, to look from the mountaintop . . . to once again choose to see the happy dream, and to remember that it’s only love’s path that leads us to joy.  When we are in joy, we are in truth.


I Love you, Ferol


So, until next time,

When you find yourself staring into the headlights of fear, I hope you can stop . . .  allow yourself to laugh at your temporary insanity . . .  and say, as I often do, THANK GOD I’M CRAZY!


Thank God I’m Crazy available in paperback and e-book on:


Barnes and Noble


Thank God I’m Crazy includes pictures of places which took place in Grace’s life, as seen in her visions. Grace Avalon, teacher and intuitive counselor, has taught A Course in Miracles for nine years. She gives presentations, seminars and workshops for anyone whose known abuse, thought they were crazy, or wants to live a joyful life.

*** Gary Renard, (International bestselling author of Disappearance of the Universe, and international speaker) says, “Grace Avalon’s courage to share her secret visions that led her out of deep abuse to heal through forgiveness brings a whole new level of understanding to the principles of love found in A Corse in Miracles.”

*** Marianne Williamson, (NY Times bestselling author, teacher, and internationally renowned speaker) , has said, “Grace Avalon inspires all of us to trust the wisdom of our hearts.  Here is spirituality in practice.

Grace Avalon


APRIL: Is Love Your Goal? Then Stop-Drop-And Roll!


FEBRUARY: Is It My Job To Save The World? If Not… Whose Job Is It?