NOVEMBER: “Love Is The Way I Walk In Gratitude” - ACIM


A Special Edition of See Only Love


Judith Skutch Whitson

One of the original Course in Miracles editors and president of the Foundation for Inner Peace.

"We're all in need of healing because of a duality, and if we were to look beyond the world of form, we will be able to see and experience what we really are, our true nature, which is spirit." – Judith Skutch Whitson 

Hello dear friends,

In our mutual moments of silent contemplation during this holiday season of love and gratitude, I’d like to share and honor someone who to me was the essence of love, and very dear to my heart who made her transition on October 19, at the age of 90.  Although we never met, I developed a deep love and respect for Judith Skutch Whitson when first beginning to read about her in 1986, and more recently by listening to her delightfully humorous stories of her work and friendship with Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, scribes of A Course in Miracles, and Ken Wapnick, the world’s most foremost teacher of the Course.

In the early part of this year, Judy began to host, along with Matt McCabe, a new podcast series on forgiveness and transformation called, Miracle Voices. After hearing my story, Judy emailed to me a warm invitation to be interviewed on their podcast. As you might imagine, I was elated for the opportunity to speak and share personally with this one I’d come to admire so much; particularly since her very notable background included research and teaching on the subject of the paranormal at New York University.  My story, as I have written it in Thank God I’m Crazy—is most certainly considered paranormal.

I was deeply distressed when she passed and I realized I would never have the chance to speak to this one I had come to feel so aligned with.  Then I gasped out loud as I read her obituary and learned that she had graduated from the same college as me; a relatively small, women’s college in Frederick, Md. where I lived for 25 years . . .  and wrote in my book about my visions that had actually happened there. 

Hood college is a liberal arts institution that also promotes grace and refinement.  My sense of Judy already had been that she never met a stranger, and she always had a casserole, a cup of tea or glass of wine for any unexpected guests.  I’m like that too.  In this way and unexplainably so much more I feel a vibrational connection.

In this moment that we call a lifetime, we are all linked to each other in some way.  Judy has left myself and so many with a heightened awareness of our true nature, the oneness that we are, and our power of decision to change our perspective and the world.    I love the way the Course tells us who we are in the workbook:

There is a silence into which the world can not intrude.  There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost.  There is a sense of holiness in you the thought of sin has never touched…Your vision given you from far beyond all things within the world, looks back upon them with a new light.  And what you see becomes the healing salvation of the world. 

(WkBk L 164, 4 &6)

Previously, I shared with you one of two poems that had come to me in the pre-dawn hours, following the writing of my book.  I’ve decided that this is a good time to share the second one as now I would like to publish it with love and honor for Judith Skutch Whitson, partly in response to her inspirational directive that we look beyond the world of form to our true nature, and—who, like me, loved to laugh at our human insanity.  I hope it inspires you to love you.  I love you.  


Can it be, is it really me

That God has loved so much,

Am I the one whose burden is undone

Have I always had his nourishing touch

Are the days and nights of my long, long dream

Yet only an instant bare,

But a glance to look upon an ancient song

Forever there

Oh, woe is me, what a fool I be

To dream the toys of hell and sin,

To dance to the fleeting charm

Of guilt and pain, and death so grim

Is it so simple, alas, could it be

That I might own for the choosing,

The melody of the ancient me

Not one part of my radiance loosing

A song from far beyond,

Eternally echoes me to myself,

Would it really be such a catastrophe

To give up my insane identity

Could it be, I’m worthy to be free

Without even a debt to be paid,

Would I disappear without judgment and fear

And still no ransoms to be laid

For one endless day of eternal bliss

To bask in the loving rays of paradise,

To frolic and play in a care-not-way

In the total of my innocence

Then who indeed would I be

Who is it that would be me?

It’s me, God said.  

I am you, and you are me.

Together we are one, hallowed and forever free.

By Grace Avalon

Have a joyful, loving holiday—as we give the gift of forgiveness! 

So, until next time,

When you find yourself staring into the headlights of fear, I hope you can stop . . .  allow yourself to laugh at your temporary insanity . . .  and say, as I often do, THANK GOD I’M CRAZY! 😊


Thank God I’m Crazy available in paperback and e-book on:


Barnes and Noble


Thank God I’m Crazy includes pictures of places which took place in Grace’s life, as seen in her visions. Grace Avalon, teacher and intuitive counselor, has taught A Course in Miracles for nine years. She gives presentations, seminars and workshops for anyone whose known abuse, thought they were crazy, or wants to live a joyful life.

*** Gary Renard, (International bestselling author of Disappearance of the Universe, and international speaker) says, “Grace Avalon’s courage to share her secret visions that led her out of deep abuse to heal through forgiveness brings a whole new level of understanding to the principles of love found in A Corse in Miracles.”

*** Marianne Williamson, (NY Times bestselling author, teacher, and internationally renowned speaker) , has said, “Grace Avalon inspires all of us to trust the wisdom of our hearts.  Here is spirituality in practice.

Grace Avalon


DECEMBER: If Christmas Is A Sign Of A Star Shinning Within Us Then… What’s Sacrifice Got To Do With It? 


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