AUGUST: Trusting In The Voice For God . . . But Which One Is It?

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Everyone . . . has the power of choice—and Everyone has the power of their own inner voice.  And to not make a choice—is a choice.

Grace Avalon

Hello dear friends,

How grateful I am to share these moments of silence with you.  I’m in a cozy place and have turned off my phone.  When I first approached Twitter, Instagram and Facebook on my phone, without realizing it I had spent FOUR hours exploring—and I never knew how I got wherever I was or how to get back!  I never came to the end!  When I forced my thumb to shut it off, I realized that I now had a lingering feeling that I’m not enough; a nagging sense I needed to do more, be more to be liked.  I hadn’t felt that in a long time.  That voice of the ego inside me loved it.  I had fallen into the trap of chaos and confusion that never brings answers—only doubt and smallness, and I didn’t like it.

Then, I had to laugh at myself for getting caught in the ego’s web of separation.  The ego loves to distract us from each other (even though that is not what social media implies) and ultimately from our power within by using its carrot stick of glitter and glamour, just like the wizard of OZ behind his screen waving his hands in bellowing befuddlement to keep us from remembering that we had our power all along.  The ego mind, like a “survival machine” (Gary Renard) will keep going until you are just as relentless as it is.

Ego is only in the domain of unreality and wants to make it real and keep it going.  It feels special to have a personal identity and the existence of time and space to play in and have goals and possessions.  It likes the idea of separation so it can blame someone else for its own guilt.  It promises anything, yet eventually leads to a troubled mind and the yearning for something more.

 Because the reality of this world is but a dream, as all dreams do—they end, and then they disappear.  We who are real as created by God are awakening to our/God’s truth . . . we are already one together in love.  When we catch ourselves in an ego thought and switch to the mind of the Holy Spirit, that is what the Course calls the Holy Instant, and that moment of choosing again is the miracle.  A miracle can save us thousands of years of learning.

Our goal----is to perceive the real world through the eyes of forgiveness, seeing through the vision of Christ, which blesses rather than condemns . . .  to train your mind so the time will come when instead of judging automatically, you will forgive automatically.”


When you stop thinking with the ego and think with the Holy Spirit – -- you can think more clearly, and you are open to inspiration.  It is speaking to the right part of your mind. Your mind knows everything.  The Holy Spirit is like God’s representative in this world to speak to the part of your mind that knows the truth. The truth is buried somewhere there in your mind.  It’s your memory of home, your memory of God, and it will speak to you in a way that you can accept and understand.  

Even though there is just one Holy Spirit, it will speak to us as individuals, and knows exactly what we may need at the time.  

If that voice you are hearing is talking about love and forgiveness and wonderful ideas, and inspires peace—that’s the Holy Spirit.  

If what you are thinking is about judgment, condemnation, or making someone—or yourself—wrong or guilty, and that the dream is real and it’s the truth, then that’s the ego—and you will not feel true peace.  The Holy Spirit is saying the opposite. It says the dream is not real. If the dream is real and it’s true, then unconditional forgiveness is not justified.

When you stop thinking with the ego and you are open to inspiration (the word comes from the words, in spirit) you can have brilliant, even genius-level ideas that you would never have thought of if you are reacting with the ego, and coming from a place of the effects of the dream.

So how do we live in the dream, but not of it?  We learn how to overlook the body and still interact with people in a normal way. You can have these spiritual thoughts--and you can have your life too.  The Course of Miracles teaches that we are learning to live the happy dream (not in an illusion . . . which is empty and meaningless, and eventually you come to think of yourself as being an illusion) The Course goes all the way and says there is a reality . . . and we are awakening to that reality which is the non-duality of perfect Spirit, and that God is only love, and our true self is that love as the one Son of God.  This is the home we are awakening to 😊.  We do this by training our mind in the practice of letting go of the ego’s fear thoughts, and learning to see only love.  The result is more joy, and more peace.

“In the end, the dream brings us home to ourselves, and to God, as we follow the eternal light of sanity that glows softly in the illusion of insanity.  As we realize it was always there within waiting for its welcome.  This is a dream to find the love that can transform our nightmares into a happy dream of life.” 


And . . . you can practice this way of seeing the world in love and forgiveness without anyone knowing it.  Because your thoughts determine your experience at the level of the mind, you can have these spiritual thoughts, and you can have your life too, and enjoy it even more!  We become the happy learner.  We can learn to see the world “above the battleground” while we can still have our goals and dreams, our possessions, and loving relationships.  As we are practicing the right-minded thinking of the Holy Spirit, our mind is being healed from unconscious guilt that is buried in our/the one mind ever since we thought we could be separate from God . . . and we forgot to remember to laugh at that idea😊

Loving you always,


So, until next time,

When you find yourself staring into the headlights of fear, I hope you can stop . . .  allow yourself to laugh at your temporary insanity . . .  and say, as I often do, THANK GOD I’M CRAZY! 😊


Thank God I’m Crazy available in paperback and e-book on:


Barnes and Noble


Thank God I’m Crazy includes pictures of places which took place in Grace’s life, as seen in her visions. Grace Avalon, teacher and intuitive counselor, has taught A Course in Miracles for nine years. She gives presentations, seminars and workshops for anyone whose known abuse, thought they were crazy, or wants to live a joyful life.

*** Marianne Williamson, (NY Times bestselling author, teacher, and internationally renowned speaker) , has said, “Grace Avalon inspires all of us to trust the wisdom of our hearts.  Here is spirituality in practice.” *** 


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JULY: I Release The Past But Does The Past Release Me?