JULY: I Release The Past But Does The Past Release Me?

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The most important time is now.  The most important person in your life is the one you are looking at now. The most important thing you can do is what you are doing now, and the best way to prepare for the future is to be totally present now!  Forget all your learning.  

Now is the moment that never ends.

Deepak Chopra

Hello dear friends,

Welcome to our mutual moments of silence.  I hope you are enjoying these long summer evenings . . . it’s my favorite time to walk and savor the peace within me.  It wasn’t always like that.  In the first abusive decades of my life, I mostly experienced numbness and confusion.  Even after my visions came at age 22, it was a long road ahead before I could truly let go of the trauma in my past, learn to know and love myself, and to experience what it’s like to know inner peace. 

Have you ever had someone tell you that all you need to do to be in the moment is to let go of the past?  Did that make you think, sure . . . but that’s easier said than done . . . because the past feels like a ball and chain locked on my ankle that I drag around because I don’t have the key?  

The most valuable lesson that my visionary symbols affirmed for me was that to be in peace, I had to let go of the unconscious guilt in my mind.  This hidden egoic guilt from the past kept me in isolation from myself and others.  

The 7th Principle of Miracles is, “Miracles are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first.”  “The purpose of the Atonement (undoing) is to save the past in purified form only.”  

ACIM T, 5, IV, 7-11   

When I finally came to a place of willingness to look at my past darkness, Spirit lifted me up and carried me through . . . engulfed in waves of sadness, discontent, recurring dreams and flashbacks, I surrendered as deeply buried traumas came rushing back.  I cried, I screamed, I laughed, I prayed, and also gave thanks for the comfort of my visionary symbols as marking posts which assured me, I was on the right path.  Healing was taking place.

“I began to understand that those horrible memories remained lodged in my subconscious until that time in my life when I subconsciously sensed it safe enough to confront them . . . with the help of my inner guidance and supportive counseling, I was developing trust in the process of healing.  I had come to understand that facing my fears, rather than resisting them, could actually help me to release them.” 


Many times, we don’t realize the guilt is there. Whether or not your life experience requires a deeper look into healing of traumatic past atrocities, or not, we all have a past.  Any grievances that we hold onto (conscious our unconsciously) keep us in the past, and can cause a blanket of numbing depression.  Depression is anger held within.  To hold onto the past is to allow yourself to be a victim. To be in peace, and to know your Real Self, all grievances must be forgiven.  The answer is always—find a way to undo it—let it go!  Here’s are some guidelines I’ve found helpful:

1) If you feel any grievances, blocks now, or from your past that might be holding you back—look at them. (Journal, talk about it to someone, get help/counseling, face denial.)

2) Ask Spirit to take charge. Trust that Spirit is right now guiding you and wants only for you to be the whole, happy, innocent child you were born to be.

3) Accept that this darkness was a part of your journey into the light. Love yourself for what you’ve been through.

4) Forgive yourself, forgive others involved, and in gratitude and finality—forgive it all.

5) Then, let it go!

We don’t want to put a band aid on a wound.  We want to get to the bottom of it.  Look squarely at the wound and stay with it until you can see it with compassion and forgiveness. Then accept the healing.  When it’s done, it’s done!  Be careful that you don’t stay stuck in the story.  We can use it to get pity.  Pity is condescending and mistaken for love.  It’s the darkness calling upon the darkness. No need to keep searching in the dark for the light.  When the light comes, you will know it!  You will feel renewed, not like your old self . . . more spontaneous, more laughter!  Letting go of the guilt from the past is our path to knowing our Real Self.  

In the Bigger Picture however, what seems to be happening now is only our experience.  It’s not real.  It’s a dream. The past never really happened.  We are projecting what we see from our mind . . . I know this can be a hard one to grasp . . . but as we are letting go of guilt in our mind, we are actually awakening from our dream of guilt that began when we thought we could be separate from God. The guilt in our mind is holding us in our insane illusion.  

All guilt, conscious and unconscious, is coming from our original mistaken tiny mad idea when we thought we were separate from God . . . and we forgot to remember to laugh. 😊 This is the Courses’ parallel to “original sin,” but rather than a sin—The Course says that it’s merely a mistake (we mis-took who we are). We can correct our mistake with our power of decision to let go of wrong thinking—the ego’s way—and listen to the guidance of Holy Spirit which is always showing us how to love and forgive.  All forgiveness is letting go of the past.

“Only a little wall of dust still stands still stands between you and your brother.  Blow on it lightly and with happy laughter, and it will always fall away.  And walk into the garden love has prepared for both of you.”

ACIM T 18, XIII, 13

Remember . . . “Now is the moment that never ends! “ Don’t forget to laugh!  XO. 

So, until next time,

When you find yourself staring into the headlights of fear, I hope you can stop . . .  allow yourself to laugh at your temporary insanity . . .  and say, as I often do, THANK GOD I’M CRAZY! 😊


Thank God I’m Crazy available in paperback and e-book on:


Barnes and Noble


Thank God I’m Crazy includes pictures of places which took place in Grace’s life, as seen in her visions. Grace Avalon, teacher and intuitive counselor, has taught A Course in Miracles for nine years. She gives presentations, seminars and workshops for anyone whose known abuse, thought they were crazy, or wants to live a joyful life.

*** Marianne Williamson, (NY Times bestselling author, teacher, and internationally renowned speaker) , has said, “Grace Avalon inspires all of us to trust the wisdom of our hearts.  Here is spirituality in practice.” *** 


AUGUST: Trusting In The Voice For God . . . But Which One Is It?


JUNE: Forgive and Forget or Forgive and Remember?